Open Knowledge Belgium

Apps For Flanders

Pieter Colpaert

Apps For Flanders is a new project by OKFN Belgium to support digital creativity concerning open knowledge in Flanders. It is a series of events to build a community. Local events will co-operate towards the creation of new applications -in the broad sense of the word- with Flanders as their goal audience.

So let’s get to it! We are inviting you to participate in several events to enrich Flanders’ open knowledge applications.

Coming up:

14th of May: Truvo Open Data Workshop

We need ~10 people to discuss Truvo’s (Gouden Gids) data policy. On the 14th of May Truvo gives a presentation in Ghent on what data they have, what restrictions third parties have to access the data and what the technical aspects are to access the data. After the presentation you can explain your idea, discuss possible problems with these restrictions and so on. If you would like to be there, send an e-mail to pieter.colpaert aŧ

2-3d of June: Random Hacks of Kindness & data of Flanders

Random Hacks of kindness is a global community of coders who want to give some time to program things for society. This edition of Random Hacks of Kindness, in Kontich, will use data of Flanders. The best projects will be presented on Open Data Day the 15th of June (see next event). OKFN Belgium would be pleased to welcome you at RHoK!

More info:

Tickets (Free):

15th of June: Open Data Day Flanders

Flanders is organising an Open Data Day with workshops, talks and demos. OKFN Belgium invites hackers to hack on data of Flanders. One idea will be selected to be presented before an audience of policy makers. If you want to be there, let us know, we can only invite a few people (send an e-mail to pieter.colpaert aŧ

Official program: here

More info & tickets:

Hope to see you there,


Disclaimer: We would love to get in touch with policy makes in Brussels and Wallony. Flanders’ policy makers were the first to ask us to support their events. Let’s get in touch


Open knowledge Belgium VZW / asbl
Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
BE 0845 419 930

Online & social channels


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